My Evil Little Sister
I live with an evil little monster. Her name is Elaine.
She is evil because she does not let me eat. Ever. And she is always making me do her jobs and she tortures me by whipping in my sleep and making me turn off my light at an insanely early time.
My mother is oblivious because the Evil monster has put spell on her.
Elaine also tries to make me eat fish. Which in its self is a kind of torture and is up there with pulling peoples nails off, drilling holes in the soles of their feet, and water boarding.
She has also gotten the support of other fellow evil monsters that are Corrie and Beccah who always take her side on everything. Even when she is obviously in the wrong. Like the other day when I was sitting on her because she had tickled me; they made me get off.
She also makes me pick up my blankets that drop from my bunk bed because I move around in my sleep. It is not my fault that they fall off and I should not have to pick them up. Then she gets mad and then I get in trouble. Life is unfair.
Lucky charms are yummy put chocolate chip cookies are the yummiest. They are warm and mushy and yummy and delicious, Dripping with chocolate and deliciousness.
And that is why I have a monster living under my bed.
Note: I actually really love Elaine. I just wrote this when I was feeling silly and thought it was funny so yeah. Lova Lainy!! :)
thats mean Noelle T.T J.K.;)he he
Noelle that is a pretty emo pro picure you have there.
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