Friday, December 02, 2005

sevens sevens (or some thing like that)

Ok, me dad sent me this thing so I am going to do it. Ok, here it goes.

Seven Sevens
Rebecca Writes had this meme on her blog. It is a list seven things in answer to each of seven questions. I like the number seven, that is how many are in my family; my five daughters, my wife and me.

1. Seven things to do before I die.
Get my own horse farm
Paint a picture (like fifty feet big) of unicorn, fairies, mermaids, etc.
get married
open my own horse farm
wrtie a fansty book
were all pink to youth group and freak everyon eut. (evil snicker)

2.Seven things I cannot do.
be with out sin
Not be loved by God
hold a snake (you cannot make me!!!)
give up draw
give up my obsesion with horses
burn books
dye my hair green (maybe pink but not green)

3. Seven things that attract me to a guy
If he is an on fire Christian
He likes horses
he likes art
he likes books (like fantsy)
He thinks highly of me
he shows conpassion to other poeple

4. Seven things I say most often.
"I am going to go read"
"its amazing you mouth is moving, but your not saying anything. Ops. Sorry. Selective hearing."
"Are we there yet.?"
"Can you turn up the radio."

5.Seven books (or series) I love.
The Bible
Lord of the Rings
Winnie the horse Gentler
Unicorns of Balinor
Seer and the Sword
Any horse book out there

6.Seven movies I watch over and over again (or would watch over and over if I had the time).
Lord of the rings
Princess Bride
Black Beauty
Star Wars
Much Ado About Nothing
Taming of the Shrew

7. Seven people I want to join in, too.
Big Red 5
Grandmother of many
Writings of an Exceptional Being
Tally Times
i don't know any one else who has a blog

1 comment:

Nono said...

Hahahah! I'm comenting on my blog.