Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What's up

Today was kind of a werid day. Dad is sick so he had to stay home from work, nad you can tell that he's really sick because he had to stay home from his Presbitary class. My Valetines was the a normal day with chocolate wich deffently made that fine with me. Today I didn't do much, I read a lot but that's cool here. Mom and Beccah went to Spanish class, from what little information I could gather it went..("Beccah how spanish class go?" Beccah stares at the tv.) I guess that means that it went pretty good. School is going pretty good. I still hate Alegbra (and spelling isn't all that hot either.) Tonight on Lost they're going to capture one of the others! Tomorrow I think I'm going to paint a painting. I have all this specail stuff that one of my sisters is letting me use. (she painted this cool painting ofr our bathroom with this special paint and paper, and gave me the paper when she was done.) the only thing is, I don't know what to paint. So if you people are really there could you give me some ideas. I have a whole pad of paper so I'll probably end up doing a horse any way, but I want to do something else. So be creative and give me your ideas!


pruittcommunications said...

I think you should paint an Olympic gold medal winner at the 2006 Games.

Nono said...

Cool I like that idea!