Thursday, April 13, 2006


This is a poem that I wrote for my poetry class.

The Mother and the Child

What makes hail come out of the sky?
On of the angels just left the fridge open that’s all.Get your hand
out of the cookie jar!

What makes the wind blow so hard?
Leaf blower in heaven must be broken. Zip up your coat.

What makes the snow come down?
The slushy machine in heaven over flowed. Eat your lunch.

What makes the rain come down?
One of the angels is taking a bath and forgot to turn off the water.Go
take your bath.

What is thunder?
The angels are bowling up there. Go back to bed.

What is lighting?
Lighting is when the electricity wires in Heaven break. Get away from
those matches!

Why doesn’t God have the angels fix the things in heaven?
Because they’re all to busy watching over you.


bigred5 said...

What a great poem. I really like it. Mom

An exceptional being said...

Dude that is cool!