Sunday, September 24, 2006

30 Thing I learned this Week End

Thing I learned this week end:

1. Amanda M. can always pull you out of a deppressing mood into a wacky one.

2. A brother and sister (whom I am not naming for a reason) love each other more than the appear to.

3. Square Dancing is fun because you have fun during it and after. You have fun during cause its a learning experence and after because different people have different stories of how the night went and each one is funny but different.

4. I , no matter what, am always pared with an other girl and I am always the boy.

5. That Pastor Wayne Has never read Lord of the Rings. O.o

6. Soccer is very interesting with the youth group.

7. People do notice when your sad or sick in my case.

8. Man hunt is much more fun when you hide witha partner

9. Star sping might be a stupid game, but it is very fun to watch and play.

10. Alex and Besty make an interest dance couple.

11. Do not take a pill with out water because you will feel it goig down for the next hour.

12. Benidrill makes the world go round.

13. I like the way I look with my hair in french braids.

14. When Bekah is sad all you have to do offer yourself as a make up doll and she instantly snaps out of it.

15. Johnathan, Will, and Amelia are to cute for words.

16. Corrie lost her voice while were playing that age game under the boys/girls dorm. (How do I know this? She found it while we were sleeping down there this week end.)

17. My sister Elaine can chuck corn very good.

18. So can my mother.

19 I cannot

20 Some one will always have a hair dryer

21 Baby goats are cute

22 Life is best served with friends with aside of laughter

23 Coffee and Bekah w. are not a good mix

24 you can bring a million different pairs of shoes but your feet will still not stay dry.

25. Blue hair gel is hard to get out and smells funny to.

26 Mr. Don will do anything for the sake of laughter as long as its not prenament.

27 The church is a lot like a big family

28 Boys, no matter what time or day, will argue about what sport is better than another. Which is very agrivating really.

29 Its amazing how Pastor Wayne can preach a sermon on Lord of the Rings and the Bible and make it all make perfect sense.

30. I love my youth group! :)


bex said...

so true so true

Julia said...

I love our youth group too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

♥Mandy said...

Very good.