Thursday, September 14, 2006

You make me Sick

I love you. Your my good friend, But...

You make me sick.

You cares if your not toothpic skinny?

No me.

Who cares if your hair is messy?

No me.

Who cares if your not in shape?

Who cares if you have a zit?

Who cares if your outfits are ol?

Who cares if you don't have a boy friend?

Not ME

You make me sick

Stop trying to fit in.

Stop caking the make up on.

Stop buying out fits that you'll never feel comfortable in.

Stop flirting just to impress those girls.

Stop acting like some stuck snob

Your not any of these things.

so stop trying to be

I'll always be your friend wether your in the cool or the geek crowd

i'll still listen to you even if you don't have a gallon of gloop on your face.

I don't care if your wearing swets.

I don't care that you don't like boys.

I do care about you acting so stupid.

I do care about you trying to impress the super models of this world.

i do are about you pretending to be ugly so you pile a bunch of muck on your face.

I do care about how you feel about your self.

Your beautiful


and funny.

Your my friend.

You dear to my heart...

... but I have something to tell you.

You make me sick


♥Mandy said...

Did u just make that up out of the blue or was that accually to somebody?

Nono said...

I kind of had a few people in mind but I don't want to say there names because then I might hurt their feelings. (and I would never do that) But don't worry you are not one of them.

Maggs: Up load those pictures!!!!

Beccah said...

I am SO insulted. I'm just kidding. Cool poem (a-HEM! you forgot to mention I helped you with a littl bit of it.)