Thursday, November 30, 2006

Tonight I have to babysit three boys all under ten. Any ideas what to do with them?


jesus ♥'s you said...

whatch TV, enjoy

Nono said...

eheheheh, no. Their tv system is wacked. I have no idea how to operate it. And I wont learn because it would be fruitless because they get a new one every week. (their dad builds them)

Thanks For the idea though!

Anonymous said...

1. Make them drink 2 glasses of milk each, that will make them not hungry

2. Play hide and go seek, u r it, while they are hiding do some homework or something, but periodically talk to yourself loudly saying stuff like "Man! where they?"

3. Stick them in a room with 3 blank pieces of paper and lock it. Tell them that it is a game in which there are 3 markers hidden in the room, they have to find the markers and draw a picture of their favorite superhero... there are no markers

that should get u started

Anonymous said...

legos. Legos are a big hit. also anything physical that will tire them out...

Anonymous said...

They make a mess.

Anonymous said...

beat 'em with a stick

Julia said...

Dj's ideas are actually pretty brillant!

Anonymous said...

nice one dj!

Anonymous said...

what's a mess compared to the fun you can have with legos?