Friday, December 29, 2006

So, this is just a random post

This is a link to a cool Lord of The Rings site.

This is a link to a cool Eragon sit

So, yeah . . .

My Aunt Meg is in town. She's really fun to be around. She's photographer in Antlanta GA. She has one very cool little daughter Ella and another one on the way. She looks kinda like me, only a little shorter, and perky.

Yeah, So . . .

I haven't given my reveiw of Eragon the movie yet, so here it is:

Eragon the book is amazing, it is inspiring and just wonderful. The writer get's you interested and its just a good book and you all should read it read it. Any way, the movie on the other hand does not follow the book at all. It does not follow the descriptions of the dwarves, the Uragals, or the Razac at all. The story line is nothing like the book. The movie is good, but it just can't measure up to the book. Its I would good give it a maybe a B. The reason for not a C is the Saphire is life like, she actually makes you believe in dragons. Another thing that saved this movie was the amazing land scapes and actor. The poeple that played Eragon, Murtagh, Brom, Roran, Garrow, and others were just amazing.

So yeah, there's my reveiw.


Beccah said...

I agree with your review. Cool pictures!

Anonymous said...

i have to see that movie/read that book. i love you.

Anonymous said...

I have not read or seen either, but I always assume that the movie does not follow the book, because they rarely ever do.


jesus ♥'s you said...

man, me and u are like oppisites!

Nono said...

Awe I love you to Matanda!

Anonymous said...

I'm not big on the whole fantacy thing, and I don't really follow movies either. It's all music for me.

Nono said...

yeah, we know