Saturday, January 06, 2007

My Father Tagged Me

1)What's the most fun work you've ever done, and why? (two sentences max)

Hm, probably on the PA missions trip working with Matanda. Why: because she always has a great attitude and tells great stories and is just a whole lot of fun to be around.

2)A. Name one thing you did in the past that you no longer do but wish you did? (one sentence max)

eat only pizza

B. Name one thing you've always wanted to do but keep putting it off? (one sentence max)

Writing an actual story and finnish it.

3)A. What two things would you most like to learn or be better at, and why? (two sentences max)

I would like to become a better artist and I would like to be better at studying my Bible.

B. If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn? (two more sentences, max)

Um, probably would like to study with Lenardo Da'Vinci Or Michelangelo and study art with the,/

4)A. What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you?

B. Now list two more words you wish described you...

hardworking (is that one word? hft, who cares?)

5) What are your top three passions? (can be current or past, work, hobbies, or causes-- three sentences max)

6) (sue me) Write--and answer--one more question that YOU would ask someone (with answer in three sentences max)

What are three things that you wish to do in life? {job, hobbie, etc.}

Write a book
open my own art studio
go to and finnish college

[Bonus: What is one question you wish people would ask themselves?]

why don't they like horses more?

tag you're it!




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

when i did mine i accidently deleted the "B" questions...