Friday, November 02, 2007

life and stuff

Life has been pretty busy lately but it'll soon be settling down.

Tomorrow is Beccah and I's last soccer game. :(

School is going ok. Geometry is getting easier. I think I'm getting the hang of it and actually starting to enjoy some of the work. I'm taking Spanish this year. That is pretty cool, though I'm not able to understand anything when my sisters talk in Spanish, but that's OK. One day I will!!

Christmas and Thanksgiving are coming up. For Thanksgiving my family is having my Aunt Debbie and Mathew, Lizzy and Katherine over for dinner. That should be cool. For Christmas this year Beccah and I writing a Christmas play for the church. Hopefully the sessions approves and we get do a Christmas play this Year!! We just need to settle our little butts down and write it by Thanksgiving. So yeah, we need to get on that.

Facebook deleted me . >:!

Corrie is doing good the nursing program. She seems to be really enjoying the work, but it tires her out really easily.

I went and visited Annalee and Eric in Chicago as you can see from the pictures below and that was pretty awesome. They seem really happy together. Annalee seems really happy :)

I'm taking Spanish this year. That is pretty cool, though I'm not able to understand anything when my sisters talk in Spanish, but that's OK. One day I will!!

Annalee and Eric are coming to visit in a couple of weeks! I'm excited to see them again.

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