Saturday, January 07, 2006

Once Upon a Time ...

So this is just something that I thought of. Hope you like it.

Once upon a time there was a four children, but they were not like other children. You see they were born all at the same time. Like triplets you say? No not like triplets. You see they were all born from different mothers but they were they were adobted by their mother st they present. They all had the same birthday so they just said like they were triplets because that's how they felt toward eachother. They were the best fo friends and they could talk just like sisters too. But you see that there was something else that conected them togetherwith something vevn stronger than blood. You see when they were born an old lady said on word to their 'real' mother. To Noelle's mother it was winter. For Megan's it was it was spring. For Carrie's it was summer. for Bekah's it was Spring. Each one of their mother's screamed and told that strange women to go away. That women was mother nature.

Ok sounds weird so tell me what you think. Oh yeah and if you haven;t fugured it out. It's fantsy.

1 comment:

Beccah said...

This is really good!! You are an excellent writer. Great job.