Wednesday, December 19, 2007

New Happennings

I am now fifteen!!! :) Isn't that so awesome??? I am very excited to start a new year of life, but kind of scared at the same time. Now that I'm fifteen soon I'll be able get a driver permit and have to start studying for the SATs and well, maybe have to start acting... mature. nah! I'll post pictures of all the awesome gifts I got later when I have time.

Their going to the Hobbit!! Its coming out in 2011. I'm so excited.

6 days till Christmas!! AHHH!!

Every one should come to Beccah and I's play that we wrote; An Elf, A Reformation, and the Birth of a Savior. Its going to be preformed on December 23rd at 7:00 at Glen Burnie Evangelical Presbyterian Church and there is going to be refreshments afterward. I'm going to be the main angel. Elaine's going to be a Miller's daughter, a pagan, a towns person, and a Shepard and Beccah is going to be Martin Luther. Its going to be awesome.


matanda said...

i loooooooooove you

Anonymous said...

A) Happy Birthday, really late.

B) No, you don't have to be mature. Ask corrie. I'll be 21 soon and I'm STILL not mature. :)