Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Something Beccah and I are doing

Ok so this something Beccah and I are doing, we're writing letters to eachother pretending that were sistersin imaginari land. Beccah will be sharing her letters on her blog Tally times.

Dear Rana

Here I an writing to you on a perfectly sunny instaed of riding; so you'd better read this all the way through! Since you've left nothing really has happennned except I've been skipping lessons. Mother has this crazy idea that I should learn how to be lady like!!! How silly is that!?!! Even in my riding lesson I am being taught how to be lady like. Side saddle is unbarrable, how can you stand it? I guess your the good daughter that why I suppose. Mother got a letter from the Queen today, i think it has something to do with me. But I'm not usre. You know Mother, she loves to keep secrets. Just to let you know ever since you've gone to 'Lord and Lady Like School' people have started to ask me what I'm going to do my life now. How silly is that!?! I'm the lazy one who only cares about horses and weapons. I'm not suppose to do anything with mylife. I wish people would stop asking me stipid questions. Oak Wood Manor is very boring with out you. Who is LLLS?Are you learning alot? i'm sooooooooo glad that I'm not the oldest and I don't have to go to that disgusting place. I think its very silly that every lord has to send hos oldest away to study how to run their estate. He should be teaching them that sort a thing. Oh drat, mother just found out were I'm hiding.


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