Saturday, September 09, 2006


YEAH!!! Today was my first soccer game. Eight to five BABY!!! Eight to Five!!!!!! (we won if you haven't guessed yet.) For mosst of the game I played right mid feilder, but I also played some defense. I like midfeilder better. The other teamis trying to decide their name. We found out (WE DID not spy on them!! We found out the good honest way. toture) [instert evil laugh here] any way the other team might be called Crocidle Hunter in honor of Steve Erwin. Upon hearing that all of my team decide we will be called the sting rays if that happens. Hehehehe.


Nono said...

Either Sting rays, Cement, were gray, or something no ones sugested yet. I hate thinking up our own name.

bex said...

if you name your team stingrays, Im going to hurt you. thats so mean

Nono said...

I woild deffinantly like to see you try hurt me.

It would be extremly amusing.