Monday, September 24, 2007


The school year has come and things have started to fall into routine. 9th grade is harder then I thought it would be. I like my Geometry teacher, I'm not sure if I like geometry through. The rest of my school is the same old same old, just lots more of it and more in depth. Oh yeah, I'm doing Spanish with Rosetta Stone this year as my language. Its not bad. I like saying Spanish words, its fun.
I've been really tired lately. I thinks (I hope) its because I'm pushing myself at school and soccer and running. I just hope it goes away soon.
Soccer this year is different. I'm on the high school team with Beccah. We're orange and our team name is Hobbes. I drew pictures of Hobbes on our Jerseys. (I'll put pictures up later) As to the quality of our team, its not that great. We haven't won a game yet and we've played all the other teams. So yeah.
The family retreat was fun. I liked playing football. I caught the ball!! That's never happened before!! Go me!! I also had a lot of fun playing man hunt.
I've been drawing a lot lately. Maybe I'll put some pictures up soon.

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