Monday, May 29, 2006

An ode to my bed

I love my bed and I have decided that I want to stay in it for the rest of my life; sadly, my mother has different ideas. I the whole reason for this is because of the last few days. Friday to Saterday I babysat my cousins. Don't get me, wrong I love my cousins a lot. It's just they go to bed around 8 and I really couldn't get to sleep untill 11 and then Katherine had to wake up in the middle of the night wanting juice; so Beccah gave her her juice and then we finally got into rem stage. Then of course the kids wake up around 7. On Saterday Annalee had Christen and Eric over for pizza and then we went out shopping for wedding stuff. (that took quiet a while) on Sunday we went to church (Sunday school and church lessons went really well.) and small group. And today I FINALLY got to sleep in! Now today we need to go to some persons graduation party and we're going to go to the mall to have Corrie get her ears pearced. (AHH! covers ears) Then we're going out for her birthday dinner. (Corrie's birthday is tomorrow but we celabrating it today.) Tommorrow I have the Iawas. Please pray really really hard that I don't make a fool of my self!


Beccah said...

Despite the hilarity in your writting style, I find it necessary to inform you that it was entirely lacking. First, you negelcted to expand upon the most prominant event, my going to give Katherine juice in the worst hours of the night should have been at leat four paragrphs. Second, did you notice you mispelled Iowa? I suppose you will be upholding the Pruitt family tradition in the spelling section. By the way, this comment is mostly in response to your remarks concering my habitual Lord of the Rings test result.

Nono said...

Yes I know and just to let you know I think I did quite well in that test thank you very much. And as to you having to get Katherine. Wa wa wa wa wa. I had just gotten to sleep and you had been asleep long before me. Any way Katherine likes you more then me any way and she would have cried even more at seeing me "Middle of the night I am going to pull some ones toe nails out" face. It's scary for everyone and I didn't want to tramatis her. And everything I said on The LOTR test was true.

Beccah said...

I simply hate to correct you, but I feel quite obligated to help you since you are so entirely set on disgracing our name with you unfortunate skill in spelling and the art of grammar. It should not be "at seeing me "Middle of the night I am going to pull some ones toe nails out" face." It would be much more correct, (and less disgraceful) if you would change me to my, uncapitilze Middle, change some ones to someone's, and simply construct your sentence more eloquently, rather than smashing it into a jumble of words in a broken undignifies matter. Furthermore, the tone of you writting is continually fluxuaiting, quite an iritating habit in my opinion. I am terribly sorry if my corrections cause you in pain, but I did only examen a fragment of a sentence. I didn't think I would have the energy to correct the whole paragragh, considering it would take up an enormous part of my day.

Anonymous said...

yep. you 2 are definetly sisters.