Friday, October 20, 2006


Yeah, so I picked horses. I'm glad, and I'm REALLY looking forward to it!!!! And for all yall, it wasn't Megan, it was Kimberly. She's sucha sweet girl don't ya think?

Today Grandma and Grandpa stopped by on their way to Frostburg for Annalee's senior recital tomorrow. (yeah I'm not going to be at the missions conference tomorrow, but I'll be there tonight and sunday.) Grandma gave Beccah and Elaine quick lessons and Grandpa 'coached' me on art. (He can't be my teacher cus' he hasn't sold anything yet. Yeah, I don't really get it either.) I'm learning how to draw faces. I'm going to draw to pictures, each, of Beccah and Elaine this week. I'm nervous about how they'll turn out, but we'll see.

It's so pretty out. The wind is blowing and the tree's are losing there leaves. Sometimes when I look outside, I think it snowing. It's so... breath taking.


Beccah said...

Yeah, I got paid in advance for my first modeling job! Go me.

jesus ♥'s you said...

ya, wise desision. See ya soon!

Julia said...

Can you teach me how to draw faces please?!?! I realllllly want to learn how to do that!