Friday, October 20, 2006

Soemthing I filled cus' I'm bored

Full Name: Noelle Maragaret Pratt
Age: 13
School: Homeschooled
Email: once or twice a dat
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde (sadly)
Height: 1 inch
Shoe Size: 1111000000
Who lives with you: little fairies
When is your bedtime: 7;00

---------HAVE YOU EVER--------
Flown on a plane: yes
Drank so much water that you started to feel sick: yes. Then you shoud jump up and down and you can hear it swish inside of you.
Missed school because it was raining: no
Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: nope I don't like people
Had a crush on a friend's boyfriend: None of my friends have boy friends and I don't like poeple so no.
Been hurt emotionally: Yes
Kept a secret from everyone: Yes
Had an imaginary friend: yes, her name was Penny and she was a horse and I had Wilson. He is a volly ball.
Ever talked to yourself: Not really
Been on stage: Yes (again, sadly)
Cut your hair: Yes, I got a mohawk and dyed it pink/black
Had crush on a teacher: ew no (no offense mother)

Shampoo: John Fredda Blonde shampoo
Favorite color: pink and black
Day/Night: night
Summer/Winter: Winter
Cartoon Character: Simba Bell Rain
Favorite Food: Italian
Favorite Advertisement: Where does depression hurt? and those identy theft comercials
Favorite Drink: blue gatograde
Person to talk to online: I don't have im
Favorite Sport: Soccer, horse back riding, and quiditch
Favorite car: mitibishi

------------RIGHT NOW-------------
Wearing:jeans and old navy t-shirt
Eating: nothing
Drinking: nothing
Thinking about:How I have to do this stupind thing because I have nothing else to blog about.
Listening to: head fairy cleaning dish washer

--------IN THE LAST 24 HRS---------
Cried: No
Laughed: I think so, but I can't remember
Worn Jeans: yes
Done Laundry: no, maybe that's why this shirt smells! (I'm kidding.....
...kind of)
Drove a car: no
Talked on the phone: no
Said "I love you": no

---------DO YOU BELIEVE IN----------
Yourself: sometimes
Your friends: yes their awesome
Santa Claus: Never
Tooth Fairy: Never
Destiny/Fate: no
Angels: yes (cause every body knows it not tooth fairies that put the money under your pillows it angels!!)
Ghosts: no
UFO's: no
God: yup

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE-----------
Do you ever wish you had another name? sometimes
Do you like anyone? no
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? carrie
Which of your friends have you known the longest? carrie
Who's the loudest:carrie
Who's the shyest: Amanda
Are you close to any family members?: All of my immediate family, especailly my sisters
Who do you hang out with the most? the little fairies
When you cried the most: in my sleep
What's the best feeling in the world? i dunno
Worst Feeling: wen you've found out some body u know has died
What time is it now? 25:67
Let's walk in the: barn
Let's run through: pasture
Let's look at the: horse
What a nice: horse
Where did all those: horses go?
When will they: some back
How are: the horses
Why can't you: just get a horse
Silly, little: fairy
Show me some: horses
The sky is: a horse!
Tell me: how big of a dork I am to be filling this out.
Love me: horsie!
My mom thinks you're: crazy person
He's not: smart
Are you that: stupid
Can't you: give me a horse
What time is it now: 7893789789

1 comment:

Beccah said...

hehehehe, that was really funny. You made me laugh. :b